Dún Bleisce Historical and Literary Society  

Report for year 2018

2018 will be a year that will long be remembered in this area. On the sporting front it was a great year with the return of the Liam McCarthy Cup to Limerick helped in a very large way by our local representatives on the county team. The reaching of the County Senior Hurling Final for only the 3rd time in Doon GAA Club’s 130 year history was also a memorable achievement.

2018 will also be remembered for the weather. From snow to blistering heat and rock hard fields, there was variety.

In January we held our annual table quiz in Moores Bar. For the last few years this fundraiser has been held to support the Kenyan Education fund in association with Tony Woods.  (Tony has spent his life as a lay missionary in Kenya and is Chancellor of the Diocese of Loswar). The money has been used to pay the fees of Leah Koriang for studies in the University of Murang outside Nairobi. We are very happy to support this worthwhile cause. It is great to think that this is helping to improve a families fortunes in another part of the world.

On Friday April the 20th we were very proud to officially launch our book of photographs. This work  “Dún Bleisce mar a bhí agus mar atá”, is a large collection of local pictures and has been very well received. Many people from overseas were especially happy to get their hands on it. We would like to give our sincere thanks to Jimmy Buckley for officially launching the book before a large crowd in the Fr. McGrath Hall.

Waterford was the destination for our Annual Summer Outing this year. Many thanks to Margaret Franklin and Marie Moore for organising. On the day we visited Waterford Crystal, the Bishop’s Palace, Reginald’s Tower and Ormond Castle in Carrick on Suir. This day out proves very popular every year.

The erection of townland plaques around the parish continues, along with our regular talks on interesting historical subjects and figures. During the year Tom Toomey, Julie McGrath, Patricia Feehily, Fr. Jimmy Donnelly, Liam Irwin, Dr. Brian Murphy, Eddie O’Dea and Bosco Ryam all gave lectures. Admission to these talks is free of charge and open to all, whether members or not. Membership of the historical society is €10 per year and there is a text service to keep members informed on all events and talks if anyone wishes to join.

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Great New Year and hopefully we will see you at an event during the year.

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