Dún Bleisce Historical and Literary Society  

Report for year 2019

Our annual table quiz which was held in Moores Bar on Friday the 28th December. The proceeds from the night is used to pay the fees of Leah Koriang for studies in the University of Murang outside Nairobi. For the last few years this fundraiser has been held to support the Kenyan Education fund in association with Tony Woods.  (Tony has spent his life as a lay missionary in Kenya and is Chancellor of the Diocese of Loswar).

The Annual Summer Outing took place on Wednesday  the 14th August and the destination was Wexford, taking in many sites of interest including Johnstown Castle and Agricultural Museum, Enniscorthy Heritage Centre, Vinegar Hill and Boulavogue. A great day out was had by all.

On the 12th October Doon Historical Society was proud to launch the “History of the White Family”. A new edition of John Davis White’s family history edited by Margaret Franklin with a contribution by Dr. Shane Newport White. Margaret Franklin gave a talk on the White family on the night and a very large crowd attended. Copies of the book can still be purchased from Margaret (087 4152151) Price €20.

As usual we had many interesting talks during the year. Michael Hassett from Murroe gave a talk on “The Armistice 1918 – The Lead Up and Aftermath”. Peter O’Grady gave a lecture on “The Ballycohey Ambush and its part in the Downfall of Landlordism”. Michael Ryan Solohead have a talk on “The Soloheadbeg Ambush, the 12 participants and the After Effects”.  Tom Ryan – Newport gave a talk on “Using DNA to build your Family Tree”. Admission to these talks is free of charge and open to all, whether members or not.

On Easter Sunday a wreath was placed at the 1916 commemorative plaque. The erection of townland plaques around the parish continues and anyone who has time or expertise would be most welcome to help with their installation.

Membership of the historical society is €10 per year and there is a text service to keep members informed on all events and talks if anyone wishes to join.

The members of Doon Bleisce Historical and Literary Society wish to extend their sympathy to Josephine Cotter (née Cummins) on the untimely death of her husband Micheál. Micheál was a great asset to the Society and shared his vast knowledge of genealogy with us.

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Great New Year and hopefully we will see you at an event during the year.

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