The story of the Christian Brothers historic and magnificent participation in the history, life and culture of Doon and its surrounding areas began with Rev. Patrick Hickey. P.P. of Doon who died in July 1864. In his will he left property to be used to purchase a house and school in Doon for the Christian Brothers. The marvellous benefits they had been bringing to boys throughout Ireland was something he was aware of and appreciative of. He determined to bring these benefits to his beloved Doon.
In 1870 Br. Walsh of Sexton St., Limerick selected two acres as a site for the monastery and school. The contract was given to Michael Coonerty, building contractor, the agreed price was £735 for the building of a monastery and £495 for the building of a school.
In 1874 the school was opened by Br. Bruno Goode, together with Br. Joseph Cregan and Br. Xavier Brennan, The school consisted of two large rooms and in September of that year the first pupils were admitted. For pupils not from Doon village or its immediate environs the usual mode of transport for pupils was donkey and cart. One distinguished past pupil for this early era was William McCarthy from Coolbane, Doon, a grand-uncle of the present Australian Ambassador, His Excellency, Terence McCarthy. He was later to become Br. Mark McCarthy, 2nd assistant to the Superior General of the Christian Brothers. He was to play a major role in developing education, not only in Ireland but also in Australia and he has left us a delightful account of life and work in Doon School during the early years of its existence. He tells us of Br. Bruno Goode setting up a school library containing up to 150 books which encouraged a love of reading amongst the boys and of the donkey races organised by the Brothers between Lysaghts' Cross and the Convent. He recalls also the boast of a Doon man, referring to the fact that so many donkeys, used for transporting students to school, were kept in the play-ground during school hours, that "there are more asses going to the school in Doon than to any other school in Ireland".  Between 1880 and 1892 Br. Peter Ryan, who had many relatives in the Doon area, was Superior and Principal. He was replaced in 1892 by Br. Leopold Fleming who introduced the Intermediate System in 1893.
During the next thirty years the school became well established but as its curriculum was similar to a number of national schools in the area its expansion and development was limited. Br. Peter Ryan, who had been a Superior and Principal during this early period suggested to Br. Meaney, the Superior in 1908 that he open a classical school in addition to the orthodox school. This involved the teaching of Latin and Greek. It would mean that the Brothers could offer a curriculum superior to that offered by schools in the surrounding area and would be in a position to prepare young men from the area for admission to the seminary in Thurles. The classical school was launched under the direction of Br. Alban O'Donoghue and was given the name St. Fintan's Collegiate School, Doon. (From this point we can date the beginnings of separate identities for what were to become the secondary and primary schools, housed in the same building.)
The school was entering a new phase which would eventually result in most of the teaching positions being filled by lay teachers. This has been the situation for many years now and indeed the continued excellent work of the school would not have been possible without the efforts of the very many fine lay teachers who have worked alongside the Brothers. Br. Stephen Lynn was appointed Superior in August 1928. He was trainer of the hurling team which won the Munster Colleges Championship in 1929.
In 1915 Br. Curtin was appointed Superior and consistently impressive results, including regular University scholarships gained by the students resulted in a large increase in student numbers . In 1929 the school was extended by the addition of two extra classrooms. By 1935 numbers had increased to 120 pupils. The staff now consisted of two brothers and three lay teachers. One of these lay teachers, John Timmons, continued to teach in the school until his retirement in 1963. In 1944 Doon celebrated the centenary of the death of Edmund Rice. Archbishop Kinnane celebrated Solemn High Mass. The choir was conducted by Br. Columba Meers, who had been Superior ten years previously. 1945 saw the arrival in Doon of Br. O'Loughlin (Locky), one of the most colourful characters in the long history of the school. He remained until 1957 and his musical expertise and violin playing are to this day an abiding and fond memory for past pupils of that era.
In 1952 Br. Cullen came to Doon from Callan. He remained as principal until 1956 and during this time and due to his efforts there was a further increase in the student numbers. 1956 also saw Br. Duggan (Freddie to his pupils) who had come to Doon in 1948, celebrating his Golden Jubilee.
In 1966 Br. Bourke arrived as Superior and Principal. This coincided with commencement of the building of a new Primary School which opened in September 1967. Until then, two rooms in the school building were occupied by the Primary School. The opening of the new Primary School made these rooms available for the use of the Secondary School. The Principalship of Br. Bourke also saw the launching of the programme of free education. Doon was allocated a catchment area, consisting of Doon, Cappamore, Cappawhite, Hollyford, Glenough, Rossmore and about half of the parishes of Annacarty, Donohill, Pallasgreen and Murroe.
As we have mentioned, past pupils of the 40's and 50's will remember with great affection Br. O'Loughlin. Past pupils of the 60's and 70's will accord the same affectionate nostalgia to Br. Stapleton who came to Doon with Br. Bourke in 1966. Apart from being responsible for starting wood-work teaching in the school he left a lasting impression as a man of endless humour, culture and kindness.
In 1971 Br. Bourke, who remained on the teaching staff, was replaced as Superior and Principal by Br. Collins who came to Doon from Waterpark College. Br. Collins and Br. Bourke presided over periods of excellent academic achievement and further increases in student numbers and in 1977 was replaced by Br. Higgins. By 1979 there were almost 250 pupils on roll in the Secondary School which, though now augmented by several pre-fabricated rooms, was totally inadequate for the proper functioning of the school. In response to the lobbying and perseverance of Br.Higgins the Department of Education agreed that a new school building was required. It would be necessary for the people of the catchment area to raise 15% of the cost of the building. The communities readily and enthusiastically subscribed the money and work commenced in June 1982 and was completed by Christmas, 1983. The official opening of the school took place in May 1984 when Mass was celebrated on the school grounds by the Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, Dr. Thomas Morris. The opening was performed by Mr. Michael Noonan, T.D., Minister for Justice.
Before this historic event took place, Br. Higgins was replaced as Superior and Principal by Br.McGrath in August 1983. The Principalship of this dynamic and multi-talented Christian Brother continued until 1992 when the first Board of Management was established in St. Fintan's Collegiate School, Doon under the Chairmanship of Br. Power of C.B.S. Sexton St. It appears very appropriate that a Principal of Sexton St. C.B.S. should lead its first Board of Management while a Principal of Sexton St. selected and bought the site for the original monastery and school. 1992 was also a historic year for C.B.S. Doon for another reason. That summer further new ground was broken when a layman, Mr. P.J. McNamara, was appointed as acting Principal.
1993 saw the arrival as Superior and Principal of Br. L.P. O'Maoil Eoin in Doon. He holds the position first held by Br. Bruno Goode one hundred and twenty history-filled and achievement-filled years ago.
This outline sketch of the history and work of the Christian Brothers in Doon necessarily omits the names and achievements of many fine members of the Order. However, no account, however brief, of the recent history of the Doon Brothers could possibly neglect to mention the admirable and beloved Br. Thomas Doohan who came to the Primary School as Principal in August 1979. His influence on the boys and on the community both as a brilliant, industrious teacher and as an ardent promoter of Irish games and music were immense and highly appreciated. He was appointed Superior in August, 1989. He retired from teaching in 1987 and continued to serve the schools and the community voluntarily in various capacities until weeks before his death on October 31st, 1992, "Ar dheis De go raigh a anam uasal croga".

Gabhaimidne, muintir an cheantair,
buíochas ollmhór le na
braithre uilig a mhaireann agus nach
maireann a d'oibhrigh
chomh díograiseach as ar son.

Michael Ryan, Vice-Principal, Doon, C.B.S.

Br. Xavier Brennan 1874
Br. Joseph Cregan 1874-76
Br. Bruno Goode 1874-76
Br. Thomas Drislane 1876-80
Br. George Cotter 1880-81
Br. Peter Ryan 1880-92
Br. Patrick Connolly 1884-85
Br. IgoWall 1887-88
Br. Thomas Butler 1887-89
Br. Justin Ryan 1888-90
Br. Paul Wyer 1890
Br. Leopold Fleming 1892-94
Br. David Cullinan 1892-92
Br. Jerome McKenna 1894-97
Br. William Duffy 1895
Br. Fras Laing 1895-96
Br. Cals Maher 1896
Br. Fras Kinsella 1896
Br. Stephen Athy 1897-1900
Br. Sebastian O'Brien 1898
Br. Coleman Plggott 1900-1904
Br. Joseph Carthy 1904-1913
Br. Vitus McCormack 1904-1924
Br. Benignus O'Neill 1904-1915
Br. Michael Meany 1904-1909
Br. Alban O'Donoghue 1908-1914
Br. Andrew Ryan 1909-1910
Br. Cyprian Kavanagh 1909-1911
Br. Athanasius Blood 1911-1916
Br. Marcellus Burke 1911-1927
Br. Laurence Walsh 1911-1915
Br. Celsus Fitzpatrick 1911-1915
Br. Celsus Curtin 1915-1923
Br. Gregory Dalton 1922-1922
Br. Laurence Walshe 1922-1924
Br. Dermot O'Brien 1923-1925
Br. Hubert Lawler 1924-1926
Br. Geogre Mallon 1924-1924
Br. Charles Lee 1924-1925
Br. Bertrand Ryan 1925-1925
Br. Gervase Collins 1925
Br. Victor Lysaght 1925-1928
Br. Gonzales Deane 1926
Br. P. Hallinan 1928-1930
Br. Januarius Murphy 1928-1930
Br. Stephen Hallilnan 1928-1934
Br. Xavier Weston 1928-1929
Br. Allphonsus Kelly 1929 -1936
Br. Calasanctlus Hayes 1934-1941
Br. Columba Meers 1934-1940
Br. Oswin Murphy 1935
Br. Herman Doolan 1936-1955
Br. Dominic McKenna 1936-1937
Br. Gabriel Curtin 1937-1937
Br. Azevedo O'Neill 1937
Br. Nicholas Kealy 1940-1946
Br. Alban O'Donoghue 1941-1943
Br. Kotska Ennis 1942-1944
Br. Edward Treacy 1943-1945
Br. Cronan Millane 1944-1945
Br. Januarius Murphy 1944-1948
Br. Joachim Grace 1945-1948
Br. Sebastian O'Loughlin 1945-1957
Br. Avellino Condon 1946-1952
Br. Rumuold Carberry 1948
Br. Herman Duggan 1948-1957
Br. Berchmans Cullen 1952-1956
Br. Casey 1956
Br. O'Connor 1956
Br. Ambrose Doherty 1956-1958
Br. Albert Ennis 1956-1962
Br. Dermot James 1956-1960
Br. Camilus Gavin 1957
Br. Finian Keane 1957-1957
Br. Finan Collins 1958-1959
Br. Kleran Farrell 1958-1968
Br. Tiburtius Byme 1957-1960
Br. David Flood I960-1962
Br. Berthrand Keating 1960-1961
Br. Hillary Devitt 1961-1968
Br. Ciaran McCormack 1962-1962
Br. Eunan Cotter 1962-1965
Br. Victor McMahon 1962-1965
Br. Alloysius Byrne 1963-1964
Br. Denis Skellington 1964-1966
Br. Oliver Murphy 1965-1966
Br. Cajetan O'Leary 1965-1966
Br. Maximus Bourke 1966-1974
Br. Gregory McEvoy 1966-1972
Br. Xavier O'Farrell 1966-1968
Br. Julian Stapleton 1966-1978
Br. Gervase Murphy 1968-1970
Br. Denis Ryan 1968-1970
Br. Pancras Dobbins 1970-1971
Br. Plus Collins 1971-1977
Br. Denis Skellington 1972-1979
Br. Fellm O'Dwyer 1974-1977
Br. Jordan Higglns 1977-1983
Br. Alloysius Quirke 1977-1977
Br. Hofbaur Ryle 1978-1985
Br. Damien Bowler 1979-1981
Br. Livlnlus Doohan 1979-1992
Br. Barnabus Power 1981-1991
Br. Killian McGrath 1983-1992
Br. Prosper O'Connell 1985- Present
Br. Senan Ryan 1987-1993
Br. Basil Coffey 1993-1994
Br. Loyola Dormer 1993-Present
Br. Francis Malone 1993-Present
Br. Columba Morgan 1994-Present
Br. Killian Whelan 1994-Present



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